Business Slides Pitch Deck New product launch #1: product pitch We devoted the previous article to the importance of product pitch presentations for startups and middle businesses. This time, we want to go deeper and focus on product present... September 8, 2024 6 min read
Pitch Deck Comprehensive startup equity guide For startups, money is often tight, and founders have many tasks to handle for their clients. This is when they face a tough choice: expand the team and risk running out of fund... June 26, 2024 8 min read
Guide & How to's Pitch Deck Seed funding: funding stages, typical mistakes, valuable insights, pro tips There is no universal funding guideline to succeed in every startup. We will discuss how funding works by presenting 5 TYPICAL FUNDING ROUNDS and explaining the venture capital ... March 27, 2023 11 min read
Guide & How to's Pitch Deck The ultimate guide to creating an ideal elevator pitch presentation in 2023 What is an elevator pitch? What is an elevator pitch designed to do? And even more importantly – what makes a good elevator pitch? It is probably one of the most common presen... January 26, 2023 10 min read
Design Tips Pitch Deck A complete guide to perfect pitch deck design: structure, tips & examples In the modern digital era, it takes a lot of effort to stand out from the competition. When looking to win over potential investors, you first have to understand their needs and... January 25, 2023 9 min read
Guide & How to's Pitch Deck How to find investors on LinkedIn for my startup Finding startup investors is a challenging but essential task for your idea development, professional presentation, and realization. Methods are multiple, but many recognize Lin... December 3, 2022 4 min read
Guide & How to's Pitch Deck How to write a fundraising plan Many non-profits, particularly smaller chart-ups or charities, operate without a fundraising plan, which is a considerable mistake. A fundraising strategy ppt is a critical visu... September 20, 2022 5 min read
Design Tips Pitch Deck 7 best startup pitch decks: design overview and main learnings Before you create any pitch presentation, you need to have those 8-10 specific slides. And if you want to interest or intrigue top investors or venture capitalists, you should c... September 5, 2022 5 min read
Business Slides Guide & How to's Pitch Deck How to make presentation for project proposal To create a project proposal presentation, you need to elaborate your project proposal first. Proposing an idea of sales increase or company development direction to your manage... December 6, 2021 3 min read