How to find investors on LinkedIn for my startup
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How to find investors on LinkedIn for my startup

Finding startup investors is a challenging but essential task for your idea development, professional presentation, and realization. Methods are multiple, but many recognize LinkedIn investors as the most accessible persons to contact and cooperate with. And it is obviously right – this social media is filled with people ready to provide the required capital and be involved in something meaningful. However, we would not write this article if everything had been so easy and transparent. If you experience some bias or obstacles on how to reach out to investors on LinkedIn, read our tips on getting access to their networks, skill sets, and expertise.

angel investor on LinkedIn

How to Find Angel Investors on LinkedIn

Disclaimer on how to find investors for a startup: try to use as many strategies as possible but combine wisely.

1. Go local

Of course, it depends on your product idea, but we recommend looking for LinkedIn angels in your own country or, better, your city. Are you wondering why? Simple. Angel investors are not only about money. Consider constant mentorship, access to their network of contacts, and support. The Internet effaces all boundaries, but the live conversation is worth this energy.

If you have a specific niche, disregard this advice and do not limit yourself – go global and take a risk to find your perfect angel investor on LinkedIn’s extended search.

2. Hunt for LinkedIn events & meetups announcements

Subscribe to pages with LinkedIn angel investors’ meetings (pitch nights, startup night networking, etc.) and reload your feed frequently. Go there and do your best to tell as many people as possible how innovative, mind-blowing, or world-changing your idea is. In any case, the more people see you, the more chances you have to get noticed and find investors on LinkedIn. It works like a cumulative effect, and it is a matter of time how soon you get the necessary funding. Long story short, tell everyone.

3. Contact angel investors on LinkedIn directly

Shortly, be short. Investors get a massive number of emails, so you must first be concise and, secondly, stand out. We will discuss it more broadly in our tips on how to connect with investors on LinkedIn below.

4. Angels do not fly alone

There are hundreds of groups who have a hobby: to invest in the next generation. If you are writing to one of them on LinkedIn, they will likely recommend another person to contact. But never forget to request it yourself:

  • Do not be afraid to be intrusive.
  • Show your interest plus confidence in the promoted idea.
  • Ask for more contacts to address.
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How to Contact Investors on LinkedIn

Many messages get lost in investors’ overloaded messengers. When you reach out to any angel investor LinkedIn, make sure you are short, relevant, and precise not to get disqualified. Research what a specific investor is interested in and play with this knowledge appropriately.

⊗ No mass emails. No spam. No tears to cry.

✓ Avoid cold mailing and try to devote time to personalized cover letters. Use the services of a pitch deck design agency to get an effective LinkedIn investor presentation and attach bright infographics if relevant. Tell them why you think they’re the right investor. It will raise your chances, have no doubt.

The best way is to bump into somebody at an event with fire in the eyes and an effective elevator pitch.

The normal way is using emails and LinkedIn messages. Remain selective and careful.

The worst way is to contact them on Facebook, via text message, and by phone. It’s too private.

Just play it safe when you choose LinkedIn for attracting investors, and may luck always be with you!