Delivering a successful event presentation
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Delivering a successful event presentation

While not every job may require it, chances are high that you’ll be asked to give a presentation at some point in time. This exercise can involve nothing more complicated than sitting at a desk with a coworker or the more conventional model of having to stand in front of many partners or coworkers in a board room. No matter the situation, giving a presentation that engages the audience can be challenging.

In this article, we’ll look at the pointers you need to consider if you want your event presentation PPT to be successful.

event presenting

The 4 Ps of delivering an effective presentation for event


The design has always been a crucial component of the presentation process as a whole. This is because delivering a strong event presentation without a solid foundation is quite a difficult undertaking. You must always consider delivery as a separate form of art and be mindful of your intonation and articulation.

Whether that’s an event proposal presentation or an event strategy presentation, the goal must be to keep your audience engaged from start to finish. Think of some outstanding presentations you’ve seen in the past. Think about the compelling features of these presentations and the reasons they were effective. Then try to copy those features while you create your own presentation.

Start your PowerPoint with a simple outline. What are the specific details that must be included? What are the top three points that you want your audience to remember? Think about the presentation’s arrangement as well. Should the information be presented alphabetically from A to Z or rearranged in any other way? For example, there are occasions when beginning at the conclusion may make your audience more interested.


Brevity must not be overlooked once you feel ready to put together the actual presentation of event. Regardless of whether you’re using visuals, remember that every type of briefing requires the same thing. So, get the words down first using a PowerPoint or any other software.

Consider adding a headline with three to four points per line. Anything more than that runs the danger of losing your audience’s interest. Choose between an interactive presentation or a strictly lecturing format. Asking questions and moving around the room might also help keep the audience engaged.

If you’re giving a presentation to a smaller group of people who don’t know one another, try to start with a quick introduction or an icebreaker (e.g., a joke, fact, or a rhetorical question) to make sure everyone is at ease before the presentation actually begins.


When it comes to visuals, simplicity is key. No matter how far back they are seated, your listeners should be able to read everything that is being displayed on the screen. Therefore, you have to choose a bold font and color scheme that will stand out against your chosen background. Also, ensure that the audience is paying attention to you and not simply reading slides.

Any backdrops or visuals you employ should improve the quality of your event presentations rather than cause confusion in the audience. Your color selection is similarly important because you might need to consider your company’s color palette.

Your content must be readable as well. According to the experts of our pitch deck design service, “noisy” colors will not necessarily make people pay attention to your presentation. In most cases, they are more likely to have the opposite effect.


It’s true that some individuals are naturally gifted with the capacity to deliver exceptional presentations, and even a virtual event presentation doesn’t faze them. These people can easily speak in large rooms, in a variety of tones, and in front of large audiences. Many others, however, find that it takes a lot of practice in addition to rounds of talking to oneself to release the tension.

If you’re giving a presentation to a small group of people in a tiny space, you don’t need to worry as much about projection, but you still need to consider how you’d maintain audience engagement, just as you would with a huge group. Pacing back and forth might be annoying, so try to keep your audience’s interest with some movement.

8 more pointers to consider when giving a PowerPoint presentation for event planning or another occasion

1. Focus on what’s important

The most frequent mistake most people make is including way too much information on each slide of their event PowerPoint presentations. This kind of presentation shouldn’t include every detail. It ought to be a tool that lets you talk freely while giving you a few key ideas to consider. It also aids the audience in locating the key points of your presentation.

2. Minimize the “shop talk”

An event speaker should be a professional in their field, but it does not necessarily mean the audience must be on the same page. Too much “shop talk” or industry jargon might alienate and confuse the audience.

3. Harness technology

Technology is quite helpful when it comes to keeping any audience interested. Technology lets participants be part of the experience through polls and other interactive tools. However, a speaker should always have a backup strategy in the case of uncooperative technology.

4. Less is always more

Have you ever attended an event planning presentation only to find yourself checking your watch so frequently that it seemed like time was standing still? This is exactly how it feels when a speaker is on stage for much too long. Therefore, be mindful of the time and aim for 45 minutes at max.

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5. Connect with your audience

It’s common not to consider the audience when you first begin public speaking. You’ve worked with the content on your own for a considerable time, but you’re no longer alone. So always remember to keep an eye on your audience and make an effort to maintain that throughout your presentation.

6. Don’t ad-lib too much

Derailing from the script is entertaining. Playing off the audience undoubtedly keeps a presentation interesting, but knowing when to stick to what you know is also crucial. Yes, ad-libbing gives room for the unexpected. However, it is the quickest way to blow a presentation off course.

7. Be accessible

Attendees at speaking sessions typically want more information than what the presenter provides upfront. That is why a good presenter should be accessible to the audience in a variety of ways. They should not be afraid to go into further detail and address any queries or worries the audience might have.

The ideal opportunity to interact with the audience is to hold a Q&A session at the end of the presentation.

8. Have fun with it

The most charismatic public speakers look like they enjoy giving speeches, and you can look that way too. Go off-course while giving your presentation. Stop. Adjust your body language to make eye contact with someone who is actually listening to what you are saying. Do or say something impromptu to change the rhythm and tone of the conversation, precisely as you would during a normal conversation.

Now that you know how to make an event proposal presentation, take a look at some good examples below and get inspired!

Awesome event presentation template to get you started

event presentation example

Final thoughts

The preparation and delivery of effective event presentations is a skill that involves time and practice to master. Therefore, practice as much as you can so you don’t have to rely on notes and can speak more freely. Think about what you’ve learned from past effective presentations you’ve had a chance to attend, and try to put those aspects into practice on your own.

Try to be concise, clearly state the main points, look your audience straight in the eyes, smile, and ask follow-up questions to keep your audience engaged. Remember, presenting less information more effectively will help set the stage for you as a presenter and build rapport with your audience.

In case you need help planning your slides and designing an effective event presentation in PowerPoint or Google Slides, contact our presentation design service today. Our friendly design team is ready to help you take your presentation to the next level, 24/7!