Why present SWOT analysis and how to improve it?
Making a SWOT analysis equals taking a snapshot of your organization in a specific period and analyzing what you do well internally and externally: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. SWOT analysis PowerPoint presentation portrays visually what you’re doing right and wrong and where to move to perform better. Indeed, it collects all numbers for comprehensive bar/chart/diagram statistics, adds colors to your situation analysis, and makes the information more memorable to your investors or managers.
What Slides Should the SWOT analysis presentation Include?
The bullet points are the best option to show statements 1,2, 3 to be clear and concise. The time of any audience is likely to be limited, so do not overload their visual memory with plentiful SWOT analysis presentation slides.
You can explain every strength or threat orally but be limited to one sentence in a single line visually. If you need help with this, make sure to contact custom PowerPoint presentation services that know how to play with your text and colors.
Here is the basic outline for your SWOT analysis presentation ppt:
- Intro (what is the company, its market direction, the goal of the presentation, etc.).
- Strengths (what the company does well & how do you make strengths even stronger), e.g., ensured budget, team available, verified technology, etc.
- Weaknesses (what the company does poorly & how you can improve it), e.g., no methodology, lack of experience with the market, no reputation, etc.
- Opportunities (what outside opportunities could the company take advantage of), e.g., increasing demand for the product, positive financial trend, specific market situation, etc.
- Threats (what outside threats could a company be hurt by & what strategies should you have to fight off those threats), e.g., unstable market situation, offers of emerging competition, the geopolitical situation, etc.
- Conclusion (conclude the information, discuss plans, answer the “so what?” question).
Pro Tip: It is easy to list strengths and enjoy how cool you are. However, if you want to prosper, you have to admit your weaknesses and not be scared that people will see how bad you are. No investors will give money to the company seeing no competition and market changes.
How to Design SWOT Analysis?
Your presentation must be visually engaging to cause the expected audience’s impression and results. You should use strong, colorful diagrams & symbols to rock your slides. There are also several ways to design SWOT analysis slides:
- Use simple flat diagrams (show each SWOT item on a separate slide if you have a lot of text).
- Compare internal (strengths and weakness) and external (opportunities and threats SWOT factors separately.
- Present all four SWOT items on one slide if you have a few short keywords (SWOT analysis one-pager).
Preparing the text and designing slides might be a significant burden for your fantasy. That is why we always advise delegating your PowerPoint to a professional presentation agency that can redesign your draft slides or create new ones from scratch.
Hack Your SWOT Analysis PPT Presentation with These Tips
Presenting creatively is complicated for people of different minds and fantasy horizons. Besides, being, e.g., an accountant, you are not supposed to follow the latest PowerPoint trends and Pantone colors. Check out these tips to improve your presentation:
- There are many tutorials on YouTube you can follow step-by-step to stimulate your fantasy or leave it alone 🙂
- Use icons, lines, and other decorative shapes to differentiate strengths from threats visually.
- Sort and distribute text over the slide so that the last rows can see it vividly.
- Choose vibrant and contrasting colors to create associations in viewers’ minds.
- Choose a background that helps to read text, not vice versa.
- If you want to add sub-points, choose methods of 4 rounded rectangles: the main one on the left and three smaller ones on the right (e.g., SWOT action description with a due date, status, etc.).
- Enrich your slides with abundant diagrams and visuals to better explain and depict the topic.
These pieces of advice are not unusual, but still, many people write blue text on black backgrounds, choose fonts from 2007, and are afraid to improvise with icons. So, design wisely but not typically.
The SWOT analysis is a strategic planning technique for an any-size organization at any period of their activity. Such an analysis helps connect with reality, see current wins and flaws, and plan prospects. Today, we’ve talked about how to do a SWOT analysis presentation, and you know now what slides are compulsory to include and how to improve them visually.
If you still need help with slide design, do not hesitate to contact us and get a free consultation on your current or required slides.